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The built framework provides a distinctive frontage to all key routes, providing natural surveillance onto streets and walkways. 

The perimeter block layout provides a clear distinction between public and private space. Developments are either arranged in “parcels”, adjacent to site boundary or around existing trees to maintain privacy of the gardens. 

A variety of dwelling types and densities are used to provide a mix of accommodation and provide a varied street scape across the development. 

Dwelling forms relate to each other and work in groups to create a distinction between hard and soft landscape areas. Groups are generally arranged to form streets or edges to the green belt. 

A sense of individual identity of dwellings are maintained amongst the groups to reflect the urban grain of the towns existing houses.  

Dwelling groups “hug” surrounding houses and buildings to limit the development’s effects on the surrounding green belt. Layout is intended to read as a natural growth to the existing urban fabric.

BLOCK TYPE  1 : Crescent Design 

The  design principle of this block type is to create a low density area, through large detached and semi-detached family homes that are set back from the road. This block type seeks gaps between buildings and enough space for taller planting and green space to create a buffer zone between the public and private zones. By separating neighbouring properties, it allows the skyline to be punctuated with greenery, so that neighbouring buildings do not offer the impression of an inappropriate and intensive development.

All properties containing gardens inside the block type create a buffer between neighbouring buildings or site boundary lines, all gardens are appropriate for scale of development. All properties have private driveways which de-clutter the street scene.

Block 1 Clay.jpg

BLOCK TYPE 2: Street Frontage

In principle, this block has been developed in accordance with the boundary line treatment and features medium to high density development. The development compromises of semi-detached, detached and terraced units which are all set back from the boundary line which puts the higher density development towards the center of the block type. Car parking is to be located around the perimeter of the block type and plots are to keep in the character of the local area, but are to be punctuated with green space on the street scene, so cars don’t dominate the elevation. Buildings also offer definition and natural surveillance to the open green spaces and parking areas.

All properties should be subservient in mass to the street scene and boundary treatment. Buildings are typically set back from the boundary line and are punctuated by green space and parking. The scale of the buildings are not to exceed two stories throughout the block.

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Block Type 3 : Perimeter Blocks

The focus along the perimeter of the site is to create an environment which is sensitive to its neighbouring properties which offers a sense of reduction in mass and scale by stepping all development away from the boundary lines. Gardens are used to create buffer zones along the perimeter, whilst stepped gables remove the mass and scale of the development away. 

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All properties offer Natural surveillance into the block type through front doors or windows look directly onto green spaces or access roads. The block type puts emphasis on natural rural lanes linking to the public realm and neighbouring amenities, with a direct relationship to pedestrian walkways and open spaces. The block is typically formed through a variety of properties from detached to terraces units. 

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